Your support has enabled mobile medical teams to provide free health care services and medicines in camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Yemen.

Health care heroes in Yemen go farther with mobile clinics 

    The complex landscape of Yemen's conflict is one marked by the reverberations of violence and widespread displacement. The impact of this relentless crisis is felt most deeply by those trapped inside it, the more than 4.5 million internally displaced Yemenis.  

    Nabat, a 36-year-old pregnant mother, is one of them. Forced to flee her hometown, she now lives in the barren confines of the Al Kawlah IDP camp in Ma’rib.  

    Threads of hope among devastation and displacement 

    Like so many others whose lives continue to be uprooted by conflict and seek refuge in camps scattered across the country, she struggles with the ongoing threats to her family’s health and well-being.   

    "It's frustrating when you replace four warm, protective walls with four fabric walls worn out by the furious weather," Nabat shares. "When my kids complain about the sunlight penetrating the tent, I keep telling them these are threads of hope."  

    The need for accessible health care in Yemen had never been more acute. The relentless influx of new arrivals places immense strain on stretched resources, exacerbating an already dire health care situation.   

    For those health care heroes dedicated to helping those in need, it can feel hopeless.  

    But amid the desperation, a light is glimmering, thanks to supporters like you.  

    Because of your generosity, health care heroes can now go the distance to deliver critical medical aid in Yemen’s remote camps — through mobile health clinics.   

    Health care heroes go the distance — in mobile clinics 

    A health care worker provides primary care to a man living in an IDP camp in Yemen.  

    These mobile clinics serve as lifelines for the most vulnerable, offering care and support unavailable otherwise amidst the chaos of conflict and displacement. They bring lifesaving primary health care services to the frontlines, including nutritional treatment and preventative care. They provide vital support for children, pregnant and lactating mothers. And they mitigate the spread of infectious diseases, which is particularly dangerous in confined camps.   

    Most importantly, these mobile clinics enable health care heroes to do the job they do best — save lives.  

    Mobile clinics made possible by your support allow health care workers to reach children growing up in the camps and provide them with critical care.  

    Equipping life savers to save lives 

    Led by dedicated health care heroes like Feryal, a skilled midwife, the mobile clinic provides care and compassionate support to women facing the daunting challenges of childbirth during conflict.     

    Women like Nabat.   

    Feryal was called to help Nabat when she began laboring. "When I reached her tent, I saw a woman who was almost dead,” Feryal recalls. “Her face was pale, her limbs swollen, and her body felt cold."   

    Feryal's timely intervention proved instrumental in ensuring both Nabat and her newborn came out the situation alive.   

    Health care hero Feryal saved two lives that day. Your support makes it possible for that number to keep growing.   

    Because of you, Feryal and her fellow health care workers will keep saving lives, even in the most inaccessible of places. Thank you.