Our people

Tim McCully

Executive Vice President, Impact and Partnerships

Tim McCully focuses on building influential external relationships that rapidly advance Corus International’s strategy, modeling new ways of working and collaborating across sectors, and convening partners to create widescale and sustainable change for the people Corus International serves. He previously served as Executive Vice President, International Programs, providing strategic leadership and management for overseas relief and development programming in Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East. He has traveled extensively throughout Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe and the former Soviet Union for professional purposes and has lived, worked, and studied in Thailand and Hong Kong.

His professional focus has been on rural livelihoods and food security, public health (with an emphasis on malaria and HIV/AIDS), assets-based approaches to development, disaster risk reduction and relief, equity, and organizational development and capacity building. Tim has also served as the Board Chair for IMA World Health.

Tim McCully - Executive Vice President, Impact and Partnerships in Corus World Health